Fuori quadro/Out of Frame
Muti del XXI secolo/21st Century Silents - Wisconsin Bioscopes

COSMO’S MAGICAL MELT-A-WAYS (Wisconsin Bioscope, US 2006)
Regia/dir: Andrew Bevacqua; prod: Leslie Midkiff DeBauche; scen: Dan Fuller; f./ph: Matthew Case, M.J. DeLonay; cast: C.C. Pheiffer, Carmen Speich, Joy Ratchman, Christie Burgess; 35mm, 180 ft., 3’ (16 fps); fonte copia/print source: Colleges of Fine Arts and Communication, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Didascalie in inglese / English intertitles.
È dal 1999 che la Wisconsin Bioscope Company produce film come si facevano prima della Grande Guerra: brevi pellicole molte semplici, mute, a 35mm, in bianco e nero, realizzate da un gruppetto di persone con una macchina da presa a manovella e poi sviluppate e stampate in proprio, in un piccolo laboratorio.I film di quest’anno sono stati girati nell’autunno del 2006 da due unità di produzione, una all’Università di Wisconsin-Madison e l’altra all’Università di Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Cosmo’s Magical Melt-A-Ways, ispirato direttamente al film inglese The Mystic Mat (1913, Dave Aylott), è stato prodotto da Leslie Midkiff DeBauche, docente di “media studies” presso l’Università di Stevens Point. – Dan Fuller
Since 1999 the Wisconsin Bioscope Company has produced films as they were made before the First World War. That is to say: short, silent, simple, 35mm, black & white motion pictures made by a handful of people with a hand-cranked camera, to be developed and printed in the company’s own small laboratory. This year’s films were made in the autumn of 2006 by two production units, one at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and the other at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Cosmo’s Magical Melt-A-Ways was directly inspired by the English film The Mystic Mat (1913, Dave Aylott) and was produced by Leslie Midkiff DeBauche, a media studies professor at the UW-Stevens Point. – Dan Fuller

RENT PARTY (Wisconsin Bioscope, US 2006)
Regia/dir: C.C. Pheiffer; prod: Leslie Midkiff DeBauche; scen: Dan Fuller, Jesse Lee Kercheval; f./ph: Becky Eske; cast: Christie Burgess, Andrew Bevacqua, Donald Sosin, Sara Burke, Matthew Case, Sunny Chen, M.J. DeLonay, Esme, Allyson Krause, Joy Ratchman, Joe Ross, Carmen Speich; 35mm, 270 ft., 4’30” (16 fps); fonte copia/print source: Colleges of Fine Arts and Communication, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.
Didascalie in inglese / English intertitles.
Una giovane coppia, che abita in un appartamento ancor più misero di quelli in cui viveva Lillian Gish nei film di Griffith del 1912, non riesce a pagare le bollette. Per di più un misterioso vicino, interpretato da Donald Sosin, tormenta i due con folli e dissonanti esecuzioni al pianoforte. L’accorta mogliettina escogita un sistema per far soldi in fretta e placare il malinconico musicista. I costi per costumi, gli accessori di scena e le lezioni di ballo sono stati sostenuti dal Dipartimento Teatro e Danza della University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point.– Dan Fuller
A young couple, who live in an apartment even more impoverished than the ones Lillian Gish inhabited in Griffith films of 1912, cannot pay their bills. Even worse, a mysterious neighbor, played by Donald Sosin, torments them with insane and discordant piano playing. The clever young wife thinks of a scheme that quickly earns money for the couple and calms the melancholy musician. Costumes, props, and dancing lessons were provided by the UW-Stevens Point Department of Theatre and Dance.
Dan Fuller

SWIFT PUNISHMENT (Wisconsin Bioscope, US 2006)
Regia/dir: Lauren Griswold; prod., scen: Dan Fuller; f./ph: Andrew Vann; cast: Joshua Ryf, Peter Turner, Erik Langkamp; 35mm, 120 ft., 2’ (16 fps); fonte copia/print source: Communication Arts Department, University of Wisconsin-Madison.
Didascalie in inglese / English intertitles.
Girato in esterni a Madison, in Wisconsin, questo micidiale silent ripreso in campo medio fa capire come si deve comportare il pubblico. Chi è stato infastidito da qualche maleducato durante la visione di un film apprezzerà la semplice giustizia di questa storia. Potete trovare ulteriori informazioni sulla Wisconsin Bioscope Company all’indirizzo www.wisconsinbioscope.com. – Dan Fuller
Shot outdoors in Madison, Wisconsin, this silent but deadly two-shot film is a message from the management about proper audience behavior. Anyone who has been annoyed by an inconsiderate boor during a film will appreciate this story of simple justice. Further information about the Wisconsin Bioscope Company can be found at www.wisconsinbioscope.com. – Dan Fuller