Le Giornate
del Cinema Muto

17th Pordenone
Silent Film Festival
Cinema Verdi, 10 - 17 October 1998

director: David Robinson

Latest Restorations

The 1998 Pordenone offerings include:

Les Fromages automobiles, 1907, by Georges Méliès.

The Stain (1914), directed by Frank Powell for Pathé Frères. Theodosia Goodman, soon to be known as Theda Bara, made her screen debut as a bit player in this film, lost for years and recently found in Australia.

Parisian Love (1925) by Louis Gasnier, with Clara Bow. 35mm, five-tinted print restored by the UCLA Film Archives thanks to funds provided by David Stenn, author of Clara Bow: Runnin' Wild.

Alice's Little Parade and Alice's Spanish Guitar (Walt Disney, 1926) - a mini sequel to "Walt in Wonderland", the major silent Disney retrospective held in Pordenone in 1992, when these two cartoons were supposed to be lost.

Under the Southern Cross (UK, 1927), a film directed by Gustav Pauli and shot in 1925 in New Zealand. The cameraman was New Zealand film pioneer Ted Coubray (1990-1997), interviewed at 94 by Jonathan Dennis, Mouth Wide Open: A Journey in Film with Ted Coubray (1998).

The Shakedown, 1929, directed by William Wyler for Universal.

Plus rare Italian documentaries filmed during World War I in Trieste, Gorizia, Monfalcone, Capodistria, Fiume, on the Carso plateau and the Piave.